Elevate Your Future with UAH Academic Excellence Scholarships

The UAH Academic Excellence Scholarship is one of the most sought-after financial aid opportunities for incoming freshmen at the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH). Designed to reward high-performing students who have shown exceptional academic prowess during their high school years, this scholarship not only eases the financial burden but also serves as a testament to students’ hard work and dedication.

Eligibility and Award Amounts

How to Qualify

To be considered for this prestigious award, you need to be a new, first-time freshman offered admission to UAH. The beauty of the UAH Academic Excellence Scholarship is that no separate scholarship application is needed. If you’re admitted, you’re automatically in the running.

Award Calculations

The award amount depends on a combination of your high school GPA and your highest ACT or SAT score from a single test sitting. UAH does not consider ACT superscores for either admissions or scholarship considerations. The award amounts for Alabama and Tennessee residents for the 2024-2025 academic year are broken down as follows:

Test Scores High School GPA Award Amounts (in $)
ACT 21-36 4.0+ $2,500 – Tuition*
ACT 21-36 3.50 – 3.99 $2,050 – Tuition
ACT 21-36 3.00 – 3.49 $2,050 – $4,475

*Covers one year of university housing at a regular room rate.

Important Dates

Students should aim to submit all their documentation, including high school transcripts and test scores, before May 1, 2024, for the best chances of receiving or upgrading their scholarship.

Application Process

Since all first-time freshmen who are offered admission are automatically considered, the application process is fairly straightforward. Focus on:

  1. Applying for Admission: Ensure that your UAH admission application is complete.
  2. Test Scores: Submit your ACT or SAT scores. Remember, the highest score from one sitting is considered.
  3. Transcripts: Make sure to submit your high school transcripts for evaluation.

Renewal Criteria

The UAH Academic Excellence Scholarship is renewable for up to eight total semesters. However, the renewal isn’t automatic; students must:

  • Remain classified as an undergraduate student.
  • Enroll full-time each consecutive fall and spring term.
  • Earn a minimum 2.00 UAH GPA each semester.
  • Maintain a minimum cumulative UAH GPA of 3.00.
  • Earn at least 6 credit hours each fall and spring semester.
  • Accumulate a minimum of 24 combined credit hours from fall and spring of the same academic year.

Why Choose UAH

In addition to the UAH Academic Excellence Scholarship, UAH offers a wealth of resources for academic growth, including but not limited to co-op/internship opportunities, a wide array of course programs, and a supportive academic environment.


The UAH Academic Excellence Scholarship is more than just financial aid; it’s a recognition of your hard work, dedication, and potential for academic success. If you meet the eligibility requirements and keep up the good work, you can enjoy this scholarship for up to four years, significantly easing the financial burden of higher education.

External Resources

  1. UAH Admission Website
  2. FAQs about UAH Scholarships

Feel free to reach out to the UAH financial aid office for any questions or clarifications.

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