2023-2024 ESA Scholarships: What Every Student Must Know

Hey, future gaming moguls! If you’re eyeing a future in video game development or any STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) field, listen up! The ESA Foundation Scholarship 2023-2024 is here, and it’s an opportunity you really don’t wanna miss. Seriously, it’s like a cheat code for leveling up your education and career in gaming!

Are You the One? Eligibility Factors

Okay, let’s get down to brass tacks. Who’s eligible for this sweet deal? This scholarship is aimed at opening doors for women and minority students across the USA. So, you gotta be working towards a computer science or video game arts degree, either at the undergrad or grad level, to be in the running.

Mark Your Calendars! Important Dates

Heads up, time-sensitive info coming your way! Applications for the 2022-23 round were open till April 29, 2022. So, if we’re talking patterns here, you can expect a similar deadline for the ESA Foundation Scholarship 2023-2024. Keep your eyes peeled for announcements!

The How-To: Application Process

Now, how do you go from “I wanna do this” to “Holy cow, I got in!”? It’s simpler than you’d think:

  1. Fill in an online form, duh! Make sure you’re not half-asleep when you do this.
  2. There’ll be a couple of questions to answer. Put on your thinking cap and let your passion shine through.
  3. After that? A nerve-wracking wait to see if you made the cut. Fingers crossed!

Variety is the Spice: Types of Scholarships

Here’s the fun part! There are different flavors—err, types of scholarships you can apply for:

  1. Computer and Video Game Arts and Sciences: Your pathway to becoming the next Shigeru Miyamoto or Amy Hennig.
  2. LGBTQ+ Service Scholarship: If you’re both into gaming and advocating for LGBTQ+ issues, this is the one for you.
  3. Esports Scholarship: Love playing and managing esports? This one could be your jam.

Hear It from the Champs: Previous Winners

If you’re still on the fence, maybe hearing from some folks who’ve been there, done that, will help. Darcy G. from NYU said the scholarship has helped her stay on her game dev journey, even during the pandemic. Then there’s Gianni P.P. from Atlantic University College who’s super stoked about how the scholarship is shaping his future in the industry.

Didn’t Make the Cut? No Worries!

Listen, life happens. If you didn’t snag the scholarship, the ESA Foundation has a Student Network to help you get some of the same perks, like mentorship and internships in the gaming world.


So, in a nutshell, the ESA Foundation Scholarship 2023-2024 is not just about the bucks; it’s also about building a community of game-changers (see what I did there?). Stay in the loop by signing up for their newsletter and keep those applications rolling in. Now go, unleash your potential and game on! 🎮🌟

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